Press Release: Chicago Area Events

 In Public Speaking

Michael Hingson #1 New York Times best-selling author of THUNDER DOG Appears at Barnes & Noble Schaumburg, Saturday, February 18th, 2012 And East Aurora High School, Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Chicago (IL) February 14, 2012: Michael Hingson New York Times best-selling author of THUNDER DOG: The True Story of a Blind Man, His Guide Dog & the Triumph of Trust at Ground Zero will appear at Barnes & Noble Booksellers Schaumburg on Saturday, February 18th from 12 noon to 1:30pm.

Audiences will follow Michael Hingson and his award winning guide dog, Roselle, as their lives are changed forever by two explosions and 1,463 stairs… and discover how blindness and the astonishing bond between a man and his dog not only saved lives, but fetched America a ray of hope on one of her darkest days.

“This is not the story of how I escaped from the World Trade Center,” said Hingson, but rather it is the story of how I got there, and it is the story of how I learned to cope with the attacks and to move on.  It offers life lessons others can use when confronted with major changes in their world.”
Michael will share his personal story and selections from THUNDER DOG on Saturday, February 18, 2012 at Barnes & Noble Booksellers Schaumberg located at 590 E. Golf Road, Schaumberg, IL 60173. Phone: (847) 310-0450. This is a free event open to the public.

In addition, Hingson along with his guide dog Africa will make several personal appearances in the Chicago February 20-21st. On Monday, February 20th Hingson will speak to the staff at International Caterpillar in Naperville on Trust and Teamwork. On Tuesday, February 21st Hingson will participate in various events with students at East Aurora High School through the Survivors in Literature program. The evening of February 21st Hingson will share his amazing story to students and adults alike at a public event at East Aurora High School at 7:00pm in the Hawkins Auditorium located at 500 Tomcat Lane, Aurora, IL 60505. Phone (630) 299-8000. Tickets are $3.00 each and available at the door, advance tickets are available at East Aurora High School.

For more information or for interview requests:

Barnes & Noble contact: Dana Campbell (847) 310-0450
East Aurora High School contact: Shane Gillespie (630) 299-8000
Michael Hingson media contact: Celia Black (425) 512-7453



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  • Larry Tonnesen

    I just finished listening to Thunder Dog on my MP3 player.

    I learned a lot, and enjoyed the book, but was uncomfortable with the “music” that was used to seperate segments.

    The uncomfortable part of the music was the fact that the volume of the music was considerably higher than the volume of the reader’s voice. I listened using ear buds, and had the volume set to my comfort level while the reader was speaking. Then with no notice I would encounter the music segment, and had to quickly remove the ear buds.

    If you ever re-issue this audio version, please consider lowering the volume to the segway music.

  • Michelle

    My husband is retired from the Port Authority of NY and NJ Police Dept after 30 years of service, two years after 911. With all of his 911 stories and tears, us being Labrador hobbyists/breeders I am shocked I never heard of yours and Roselle’s story Michael. I don’t know why as all I’ve done is listen to Bob and read about 911 for the past over 12 years as it affected him and this family of six humans and six Labradors greatly.

    I will be purchasing your first and new book tonight or tomorrow online and want to thank you for writing them. I am so glad Roselle helped you get out of the WTC in time, something that doesn’t amaze me with a Labrador. They are the only breed of dog we have loved unconditionally (returned tenfold), owned, trained, shown and bred over the past 22 years.

    I wish you all of the best and thank you for your speaking engagements and books. I have a lot more reading to do but wish you the best and thank you for sharing your story. Let Roselle/Rosy Rest in Peace running free at the Rainbow Bridge. Enjoy your newer service dog, another yellow Labrador, Africa. I wish you many years of health and happiness together.

    If you have speaking engagements in the NY/NJ area, I will attend.

    Best regards to you and Africa,

    Michelle and family

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