Michael Hingson, #1 New York Times Best-selling Author & Inspirational Speaker
Michael's Travels
Audio Files
“A New Normal” Michael Hingson Speech
Michael Hingson keynote speech at National Federation of the Blind annual meeting in the Anotol Hotel in Dallas Texas on July 6, 2010.
WWJC Radio Interview
Another great interview with Michael Hingson on the WWJC Radio Show – “Making Sense”. Michael talks about his book Thunder Dog and his story surrounding the events of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, where he worked.
WYSA Radio Interview
A radio interview with Michael Hingson on October 30, 2012, where he talks about his life, his challenges, and his book Thunder Dog.
About Thunder Dog
The talk show, “Speaking out for the Blind” with Brian McCallen. Brian Interviews Michael Hingson.
Michael Dresser Show
The talk show, “Michael Dresser Show” Mr. Dresser Interviews Michael Hingson Janurary 22, 2014