Episode 252 – Unstoppable Criminologist and Performance Coach with Jaclynn Robinson

Jaclynn, (Jackie), Robinson has her roots in Oklahoma, but also has studied here in California and has her doctorate from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Although he has worked at a few jobs over her life she discovered that her real passion resides in coaching. Today she coaches organizational teams as well as individuals. […]

Episode 251 – Unstoppable Transformational Facilitator and Executive Coach with Colleen Slaughter

Colleen Slaughter is all the above title says and more. She was born in Michigan, raised in Kentucky and then spent time in various parts of the world, but she always wanted to put down roots in France where she now resides.   Her story of getting to the point of operating her own business […]

Episode 250 – Unstoppable Young Carer and Inclusion Advocate with Sarah Jones

“Carer” what is that? You may well ask especially if you live in America. We call them “caregivers”. Sarah Jones was born in a small town in Northern England. Both of her parents had some disabilities that resulted in Sarah even at an early age becoming one of their primary caregivers. You will hear about […]

Episode 249 – Unstoppable Public Affairs Officer and Writer with Chase Spears

Being a life-long blind person I have never served in the military and thus only understand the military way of life vicariously. There is reading about it, of course and there is talking to military people about their lifestyle. Today you get to hear a conversation not only about military life, specifically the army world, […]

Episode 248 – Unstoppable Noteworthy Woman with Dr. Alessandra Wall

Dr. Alessandra Wal spent her first seven years of life living in the Middle East. She then spent ten years in France. All of these experiences gave her a rich view of different peoples and cultures which still serve her well today.   At the age of 18, she came to the United States where […]

Episode 247 – Unstoppable Successful Entrepreneur and Big Gorgeous Goals Setter with Julie Ellis

Ah, “Big Gorgeous Goals”, you may ask. Listen in to hear Julie Ellis tell her story including developing the concept of big gorgeous goals. Julie was a bit of a traveler as a child living in various parts of Canada as well as living, for a time, outside New York City. Her father worked in […]

Episode 246 – Unstoppable Positive Creative Communicator with Kiefer Jones

The title does not do Kiefer Jones justice. At the age of 32 years of age, Kiefer has already served almost ten years in the U.S. Airforce and, after leaving he continued to do the same job as a contractor. For the last part of his air Force career, he worked in Europe and continued […]

Episode 245 – Unstoppable Success Mindset Expert with Michele Gennoe

Michele Gennoe grew up in Australia obtaining a degree in Marketing and then later an advanced degree. What makes her a bit unique is that after college she took positions with companies that allowed her to travel throughout the world where she had the opportunity to observe people and begin working to help them change […]

Episode 244 – Unstoppable Transition Mentor and Coach with Wendy Cole

I find that people do not necessarily view themselves as “unstoppable”. It just happens with them although later they may truly adopt an unstoppable mindset. Such a person is our guest this time, Wendy Cole. Wendy and I are roughly the same age and, I suspect, for different reasons have many similar life values and […]

Episode 243 – Unstoppable Cutting-Edge Thinker and Renowned Coach with Bob Wright

Bob Wright is an Illinois guy through and through. He grew up just outside of Chicago. Interestingly enough, he decided much of Psychology was balderdash until he spent time in France. He will tell you this fascinating story.   After returning to the states, he took up the subject for some of his Master’s Degree […]

Episode 242 – Unstoppable Intercultural Expert and Life-Long Learner with Cassandra Mok

Cassandra Mok grew up in Australia. She was the daughter of Malaysian parents and Chinese grandparents. She will tell you that her childhood was a bit of a challenge working through the values and norms of her parents that often were quite a bit different from the Australian life and people around her. All her […]

Episode 241 – Unstoppable Nonprofit Financial Coach with Dwayne Keys

Dwayne Keys grew up in Wilmington Delaware in what he describes as a very low income home with a single mother and two younger sisters. Dwayne constantly talks about how his mom instilled in him high values of ethics and self sufficiency. At the age of 16 his mother told Dwayn that he needed to […]

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