Honoring the Memory Of 9-11

 In Michael Hingson Articles, News and Current Events, Public Speaking

9-11 is an important day for all of us.  It represents a day when the world really did stop and all of us were given a choice to change and move on, or be paralyzed by fear.  Please remember those we lost on 9-11 and please pray for all the survivors who still cannot forgive and go forward.

I sit in my hotel room in Chicago watching the New York 9-11 event.  I remember the day well, but I also remember everything since that day.  We need to get back to an attitude of teamwork and working together.  We can be better than we are.

Let’s all work together and make this world a better place.  Tell our politicians to put aside their differences and figure out ways to team and not be so divisive.

God bless you all and God bless America.


Michael Hingson

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