Who Says Pandemics Can’t Lead to Adventure
Since my return from a New York speaking trip on March 7, I have been “staying safe and staying home” with my wife, Karen, Alamo the guide dog and Stitch the cat in charge of everything. While I miss traveling and speaking with audiences all over the world I must say that being at home has given me time to learn and discover new directions to take my life and my business. I have learned a lot about podcasting, for example, and will be starting a podcast of my own soon. Meantime, if anyone reading this needs a guest to interview, I am ready, willing and able to talk with you.
I have learned bunches about the conferencing system, Zoom, and now even have a green screen and appropriate lighting so I can participate in and run Zoom meetings. Zoom is quite accessible, and the company has made a tremendous commitment to ensure access to blind people going forward.
Over the summer I realized that there is a dimension to my speaking business that I have not taken. Soon I will be letting you know about a new coaching program I am establishing entitled “Blinded By Fear”. For 19 years I have been telling my story including why I was not fearful on September 11, 2001 while escaping from the World Trade Center. I have recognized that there is something I should be doing to help others learn the skills and techniques I used on that day to escape and survive. I will be making that program available to individuals, organizations and companies. Stay tuned.
Finally, and most important, I want to tell you about a new software system that already has helped me and my business and can help those of you that interact with customers and clients. Six weeks ago, I received an email about a company called Groove Digital. Usually I totally ignore such unsolicited emails, but something made me open this one. I had been looking for a way to improve not only my contact database and the way I used it, but I wanted to find a better way to sell books, locate more people looking for a good speaker, find podcasters looking for a guest, help me ignite my new coaching program and so much more. I had not been finding one solution that would do all these things unless I wanted to spend a bunch of money which I did not have especially since my income dropped to $0 with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. As I read about Groove Digital and its product line, GrooveFunnels, I became excited as this product had everything I was seeking. On top of everything, the entry level for the Groove system was, so the email said, FREE FOR LIFE!!! Free? Well, I thought, the lower end couldn’t offer much, but IT DID. I watched a video and was hooked. Not only did I decide to commit to using the Groove system, but I also signed up for the platinum version as even it was, for me and my lack of income, affordable. Even with the inexpensive platinum version, the highest level available, Groove was, and in fact is, offering everything for life for the one-time charge I paid including enhancements and additions as they become available.
Check out Groove With Mike
The final gotya for me concerned the one that I always encounter: How accessible is Groove’s product line? I encounter this all the time with companies that say they have the greatest thing since sliced bread but most always totally leave blind people out of their offerings. Mostly, software developers and marketers I encounter won’t even respond to my requests to explore future plans for product accessibility. Groove, as it turned out, was no exception to the access test. The products do not play well with screen readers and are thus not independently usable by me. Bummer! However, as I was examining Groove information I came across a magic sentence that the company still considered its product in BETA testing. This means that the developers were looking for its growing customer base to provide feedback and suggestions to make it better before a final product was released.
So, I contacted Groove support. Guess what? I was assured that the Groove family of products would be accessible by the end of the year! As I said above, companies usually don’t respond to me at all much less commit to access. I now was really hooked and do believe that the Groove developers will keep their word.
There was another aspect to Groove that intrigued me which is one of the reasons I wanted you to know about this exciting product. One of the Groove offerings is called GrooveAffiliate. In marketing an affiliate is someone who tells others about a product and, when or if someone buys the product by clicking on a specific link, the person sending the email gets a commission. In Groove’s case, the commissions are good. The affiliate program is part of Groove and thus there is not an additional charge to become an affiliate including being able to access all the related software, templates, designs and other web content. So, suddenly as I signed up for Groove I became an affiliate too! Want to see a landing page I created with the aid of my friend David McKinney (actually, David did the real work here.) Check out Groove With Mike. I hope you will watch the videos and go further and check out Groove through the links on the page. Remember, it’s free and it may all well be of help to you.
Groove Digital and its products were founded by Mike Filsaime. (If you’ve never heard of Mike, he’s the software developer behind many familiar software tools used today, like WebinarJam, EverWebinar, Kartra…and now, GrooveFunnels). He also is the creator of marketing concepts such as Butterfly Marketing.
Groove Digital is beginning its official product launch today. As part of the release Mike and his crew are holding a 13-day, 24 hours a day, “Groove-A-Thon” where people not only can learn about Groove but where they can learn all about internet marketing and a lot more. If you want to check it out, please visit https://lnkw.co/grooveathon.
Groove products are just as usable for not for profit organizations as they are for small and large businesses. GrooveFunnels and the related materials all integrate to the point that David and I are even exploring reworking my entire web site with GroovePages and other tools. The templates and other parts of the program lend themselves well to this. My site has not had a real update for years and we already had begun exploring updating everything. We’ll see how it goes and I will keep you posted.
I have never promoted marketing products before. I have never been an affiliate for any products either. I am convinced that Groove is the real deal. Besides, how can anyone refuse something free? I know some of you may not need Groove products as you do not own nor have anything to do with running a business much less a virtual or internet-oriented company. However, many of you do own or operate businesses, nonprofit organizations and you do have friends who do so. Groove Digital will help people take businesses to a whole new level because it’s easy to use, everything is integrated together and, did I say that it is free for life? Again, check out my first GrooveFunnel at Groove With Mike and check out the Groove-A-thon at https://lnkw.co/grooveathon. I genuinely believe you will find it worth your time.
Thanks for reading. I’ll be in touch soon with more information about Blinded By Fear and my progress with Groove. As always, I’d love to hear from you. Please feel to reach out via email, Facebook Messenger or LinkedIn Messenger. Meanwhile, stay safe, stay home and look for the adventures in your life. They are there awaiting you.
I have always admired your ingenuity and business sense. Keep on keeping on!