Taking Control Of Your Life
First things first. So, I committed to create a newsletter every month to discuss issues and to stay connected. March was a busy time for us here at home as it was, I am sure, for all of you. While my wife, Karen the quilter, has begun creating masks and undertaking other sewing project I have become the main cook and bottle-washer. I do a lot of the cooking anyway, but now I am adding new cooking adventures to my repertoire as well as resurrecting some old ones. For example, I’ll take my Chex Mix over the commercial offering any day. ?
Needless to say, speaking trips have dropped to zero during the Covid-19 crisis. I have begun conducting virtual sessions about issues of interest to all of you. Two weeks ago, I put up a Facebook post discussing my idea of doing webinars and informed my Facebook friends that I did not wish to just start discussing what I thought would be of interest. Instead I wanted posters to ask me questions that I could discuss with everyone. Here is a link to our first offering, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkZNtoEmfds. This one was an experiment from which we learned a lot. My webmaster and all-around expert, David McKinney has now researched and lectured me on such things as lighting which will make future offerings much better. Since I am sensitive to the needs of those of you who are light dependent we will make visual improvements before our next webinar. Stay tuned.
The first webinar dealt with TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. I hope it gives you some good thoughts and ideas.
I would like to hear from you about what I can best do to help and inspire you during our stay-at-home period. I believe this will last until at least the end of May and possibly beyond. So, please send me your thoughts about future webinars and other ways I may be of help to you.
I will work to update you again next week as we finalize plans for webinar II. Meantime, stay well, stay safe, and if possible stay home. Give extra love to your families and friends as well as your pets. That love will be returned a thousand-fold.