National Federation of the Blind Comments on Gun Ownership by Blind Individuals
Baltimore, Maryland (September 12, 2013): In recent days there has been much discussion about whether blind individuals should be permitted to own and/or carry firearms.
The National Federation of the Blind, the oldest and largest nationwide organization of blind Americans, understands that guns are dangerous weapons, and that anyone who owns, carries, or uses them must therefore exercise great care and sound judgment in doing so. Blindness has no adverse impact on a person’s ability to exercise due care and good judgment.
State firearms laws must be applied in a nondiscriminatory manner to blind individuals. Recognizing that laws and regulations regarding the granting of permits to own and/or carry firearms vary throughout our country, our single position on firearms regulation is that a permit to own and/or carry a gun should not be denied to any individual solely on the basis of blindness.
For more information on our position, or for coordination of interviews with blind individuals who are experienced in owning and/or using firearms, please contact Chris Danielsen at (410) 659-9314, extension 2330, or by e-mail to