Kids Speak the Truth: Subminimum Wages – Twitter Wednesday
Fellow Federationists:
We are proud to announce the long awaited release of “Kids Speak the Truth: Subminimum Wages,” made by this summer’s interns: Catherine Jacobson, Sarah Patnaude, Justin Salisbury and Yadiel Sotomayor at the Jernigan Institute. This video portrays children’s views on our fair wages initiative.
Please watch the video and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Additionally, we are designating tomorrow as a Twitter Wednesday! Please share this video with your Members of Congress via Twitter. As a reminder, you can find the Twitter handles of your Members of Congress at and
For your convenience, here are some sample tweets. (Don’t forget to insert the handles of your Members of Congress into these tweets.) @PeterRoskam, will you support #FairWages for Workers with Disabilities by cosponsoring HR 831?
It’s common sense: People with disabilities deserve #FairWages. Please watch, @CongPalazzo.
Thank you, @cathymcmorris for cosponsoring HR 831. shows why PWD deserve #FairWages. 14c must be phased out.
PWD can only live the lives we want if we are ensured #FairWages. Please watch, @RepMattSalmon.
If you have any questions about fair wages, feel free to reach out to me.
Yours in the fight for fair wages,
P.S. If you have already met with your Members of Congress this recess, I am anxious to hear how the meetings went. If your meetings are coming up, don’t forget to show the video while you are there!
Rose Sloan
Government Affairs Specialist
National Federation of the Blind
200 East Wells Street
Baltimore, MD 21230
Phone: (410) 659-9314, extension 2441
“Eliminating Subminimum Wages for People with Disabilities”