Karen Hingson Celebration Of Life (Online)
As many of you are aware, my wife of almost 40 years, Karen, passed away this past November 12.
It was only 15 days before we would have celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. I sent out messages about Karen’s passing and I have been overwhelmed by the support, love, well wishes and many observations people have sent in about Karen.
I am writing today to let you all know that I plan to hold an online event about Karen on Saturday, January 28 at 11AM Pacific time. I am doing this in large part because many people emailed me saying that while they did not know Karen personally, they got to know her through my book, Thunder Dog. It seems to me that people aught to have an opportunity to talk about this wonderful spirit. Also, I must admit that I want to do something to celebrate her life with all our friends wherever they are.
Several people already have indicated they will attend. I believe you will hear from some of Karen’s long-time quilting friends and companions. Also, assuming she still can make it, I suspect we will get to hear from our long-time pastor and friend Rev. K. Cherie Jones who was our pastor at United Methodist Church in San Marcos, Ca in 1990 and a person I mentioned in Thunder Dog who reached out to me after the theorist attacks at the World Trade Center.
All are welcome. You don’t need say anything. Just your being with us will mean a lot. I hope to see you and possibly even meet some new friends. To attend please click on the link below or dial in with provided phone numbers. Thanks and again, thanks for all the kindness and love you have shared with me.
Mike Hingson
This is a Zoom web conference.
You can join this meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
US: +1 646 558 8656, +1 301 715 8592, +1 312 626 6799, +1 669 900 9128, +1 253 215 8782, +1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 415-827-4084
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb1to5MOlA
Additional details:
Phone Number: +1 800-835-1934
I just found out Karen passed away. She and I met when her family came to Washington D. C. when she and I were children. They rented the house across from us in Riverdale, MD and we instantly became friends. We spent hours playing Old Maid cards.
When she returned to California, we wrote constantly. After I retired, I moved out here to Temecula to be with one of my sons, and I got in touch with her. I did drive up to Riverside area a few years ago but no one answered the door. She was a wonderful, lovely lady.
Theresa Holmes